Sunday It Is!
Good early morning! It is 0310 am and my brain so t shut down!
I'm gearing up to driving back to Chicago next Sunday! We r taking our SUV. My Liz is movi g into a bigger apartment and wants it to move! I'll trade my SUV for Vinnie!
So Carl and I are on Vinnie patrol during the move! I got lots planned!
Tomorrow I'm going for a my yearly physical. I so don't want to go! She always finds something weird!
Well talk on, maybe the zzzzzzz's will come upon me! We can only hope!
Good Morning Carla and OFF Sisters,
Carla, you sure do put the miles on your vehicles, don't you? Good for you, trading the SUV for Vinnie. I believe that is a fair trade.
I'm getting ready for church, and will be there all morning. Then, I'm heading to the urgent care, coz I cut the grass yesterday, and gave myself another sinus infection.
Izzy's play was wonderful last night. She is a real ham on stage. She kept smiling, and was very animated in her parts. She played a mouse and a townsperson. She reminded me of Chris when he was a kid. The theater company was started by a friend at church. She started it to encourage children to develop their confidence and expose them in the arts.
Must scoot. Late for church.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Trish....sorry you ended up in ER....please wear a mask when outside, especially when you mow. I love and care about you so I am going to nag you about this!!!
I am so glad you enjoyed the play last night. I am sure it was great!! I don't think Izzy has to worry about building her confidence!! It sounds like she was very animated!!
Hope you had a really lovely and hugs...connie d
Have fun with the baby, and I agree it's a good trade.
Well, we had thunderstorms and tornados rip through again. I woke up a couple of times to loud thunder. I have a tornado app on my phone and it sounded twice. I got up and saw that the tornados were west of us. I know this sounds stupid, but I don't run for shelter unless the tornado is right on us. Now if the kids are with us, we do go to my office and hang out there until the weather passes but otherwise, I tell my DH not to stress.
An old friend from high school that I haven't seen since high school was in my area yesterday and she called my sister (my sister has had the same number since 1964) and got my phone number and she called. Since I was at the university and in my office, I told her to come on up and she did and we spent a couple of hours drinking coffee and catching up. She lives near Little Rock, which is about three hours from where I live. I was shocked at how much she has aged because I know I still look like I did at 17 LOL. She has severe COPD (she smoked for years) and has had open heart surgery and back surgery and knee surgery...and, sadly, she has gained 200 pounds and cannot have WLS because of her heart. Bless her heart. She mostly uses a wheel chair. She also said she rarely lets anyone from home see her because she has gotten so big but she knows that I am the least judgmental of all our friends. I showed her pictures that I still carry with me of me at my highest weight, 500 pounds, and told her that I would never judge her. I did tell her to try one more time for WLS because the guys in LR and the one up here are now doing wonders on folks with bad hearts. She promised she would try.
Well, my coffee is good but I haven't anything to eat for breakfast. I usually eat a sugar free popsicle but am out so I guess I will eat real food. Maybe I'll try eating an egg. Since WLS, I rarely eat eggs because they are so hard on my pouch. I can eat a little of the egg white but the yolk is just too dense. I do boil eggs for my snacks sometimes but I only tolerate the whites.
Well Ladies...I hope you all have a good day and you all get ready for your Mondays, whatever that Monday holds. I am heading back to my office to work on research from a pilot study that I have done over the last four years. The data is wonderful and everything is ready for the second article that I am getting from this data. Yesterday, I wanted so much to crack that file open so I could work on it but I had all the other real work stuff to do....okay today I do fun stuff.
My DH keeps saying stay home and work from home and I remind him how controlling my cats are and how unlikely I would do academic work but instead I would do house work or sewing or crocheting. By the way, I have gotten so many compliments on my shress (my shirt long enough to be a mini dress) . I think I might make me a couple more.
Catch you guys later....
Hello Jeannie....I am glad you made it safely through the storms yesterday. It got pretty bad here too. Another storm is just going through now...dark and yellow looking sky, thunder and lightening, and very strong winds....the rain is going sideways again. I felt it coming about an hour or so ago. Last night our sirens were blowing as tornado's were in the area. I never left my apartment either. I just keep a good watch on it. I did pray a lot too!!! I was more worried about my friends and family then myself.
That was so nice of you to see your school friend. God Bless her! I hope she really does try to get the WLS at least one more time.
I hope you managed to get all the work done that you needed to do. I love how efficient you are!! You always make me smile!!
Hope you had a great and hugs to you...connie d
Good Morning Carla & Trish!
Carla, you sure do travel...I so wish we were at that stage, but it will probably be another year. I love road trips, seeing different parts of the country as well as the ppl who occupy them. I prefer the South to the North, but in all fairness I haven't been west of western NY. One of the things I aim to change! safe travels!
Trish, your allergies just seem to be horrendous! I complain about sinus headaches that are easily relieved by my Sudafed. I sure hope you are able to get some relief. Like Connie, you just work thru the pain!
Mary, I read your 1st post about going to look at getting that RV & I was so jealous. Even tho I know we could not maintain one it was always a dream I had for us when we reached this age. And if I had one it'd be in constant use. I see loads of campers permanently parked in our area...I just can't figure it out! LET ME USE IT! I am relieved you didn't get scammed, but I can imagine your disappointment in it falling through. Hopefully something will come up soon.
Christine, congrats on the graduation of your stepdaughter and all you had planned for the weekend...sounds like you are enjoying lots of energy. I used to host Christmas at my house every year for about 40 family and friends. However, I had to stop in 2012 due to my increased problems with the weight. Even with the help of my daughter the prep, actual event and clean up just took its toll. I will know I have succeeded with my WLS when I can entertain like that again! You also aren't far from Onederland! I so hope to follow in your footsteps.
Connie, I hope you are feeling good today. That rain, heat & muggines**** us yesterday...ugh! You forget how yukky it is until you're in it. My knees are killing me, but I am proud I walked 25 minutes at one time for the 1st time last nite I usually break it up to get 30 minutes in, but I just could not do it during the morning or height of the day!
Vickie, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take care of yourself. I have found that I am a hero during a crisis, but as I have gotten older I go down afterwards and for longer than in the past. Jim had many surgeries and other medical emergencies from the time we got together, and by the time they did the amputation 12 yrs into our marriage I was a wreck...exhausted, could not sleep, overeating, testy, etc. The only surgery I missed was the one about 8 months after his amputation...I was so exhausted, depressed, scared & overwhelmed I could not manage the overnight stay. I still feel guilty about it even though it was a surgery to just remove infection (MRSA). But what if he had died? I don't ever want to get that bad again. I was still working and they were telling me I looked like death warmed over.
You need YOUR health now to help Butch. You need it for yourself. Yes, you are going to 'get in trouble' by us here b/c we can see what you can't. Pamper yourself for at least a week doing only run of the mill things. Your body is telling you that you need to do this!
Okay, let me get off my platform & off the sofa. Try not to sit longer than a 30! Oh, and are doing great. As a pre-op I can be an annoying reminder of how grateful we would have been to lose any weight...not matter how much or how slowly. You will get to where you want to be!

Hello Kathy...I agree that Vickie must take care of herself....she is just so tired and worn down. I hope she listens to us and gets some quiet time to herself. I worry about her being so tired and having to drive to MDA. The traffic is horrible there. I pray she can get some rest before then. God Bless Vickie!!
I am proud of how well you are doing...keep up the good work!
I would love to travel and see all the sites. I love going through all the small towns and checking them out. I love meeting people from all over!! I guess that is all just a memory for me now. I sure did enjoy those times. Don't forget about that great person that lives in Minnesota....hahahahahaha!!!
Hope you enjoyed the and hugs....connie d
Morning OFF family....
Well we are in for MORE rain/storms today...YUCK!!!!!!! Guess we will NOT be planting any new flowering shrubs we bought yesterday!!!! GRRRRRRRRR I also found my seeds that I wanted!!!! I can't believe how costly those were!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! But these will come up every year so that's a bargain!!!
Need to go shopping for my black pants yet...sighs...thought I had some but the ones I found are either to big or they don't fit over my fat ass anymore....GRRRRRRRRR And one thing I will NOT wear is pants that are baggy on me!!!!!!!! NOPE not anymore!!!!!!!
It is getting DARK out....guess the rain is about to start again........sighs...also muggy out there then this COLD front will move in again...Mother Nature needs a good swift kick!!!!!!!!!
Oh...happy happy joy joy...Ricks mom and maybe aunt Peggy will be here for the weekend....yippeeeeeeeeeeee NOT!!!!!!! Like I really feel like entertaining them.....please pray the weather is nice so we can atleast be OUTSIDE!!!!!!!
Got more happy news in the mail yesterday...Rick was dropped from Medicaid. Yup. Makes too much money now. Wonderful!!!!! So now we need to find him health insurance...GREAT!!!!!! Have to make a call to the woman that found mine for me see what she can do for him. He is just over the limit too...sighs......Oh well. Life goes on I guess.
Carla...good luck on your yearly!!!! And have a safe trip!!!!
Trish...ever try wearing a mask when doing your yard work? Might help??
Well time for breakfast and then get ready to shop?? LOL
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hello Judy....sorry you can't get the planting in you had hoped for today. I am sure gardening has gotten quite expensive these days. Good thing some will come up again!
Looking for black pants huh? That is always fun to do ...NOT!! I swear they are making clothes smaller in our normal sizes just to irritate us! Either that or those gremlin's are in the closet at making our clothes tighter!! Sitting all day at a desk doesn't help either!!! Good Luck!!
Yes there sure is another cold front moving in....I noticed it about an hour ago.
Oh aren't you lucky!! Your favorite "Aunt" is coming!! No need to worry about her...send her outside with a case of beer and she won't bother you all day!! Rick's mom...well you can deal with her okay...she will be outside with Rick mostly anyway. I pray that the weather is gorgeous!!!
I can't believe Rick is over the Medicaid level....they must have seen him driving that nice truck...just kidding!!! They just keep cutting and cutting everything. If they would just go after the wealthy and all they owe the government from not paying taxes and things, we would be a much wealthier country. There are so many others that brag about not paying their taxes!!!! Then there are those that come to this country and don't have to pay taxes!!!!!!!!!! If we didn't, they would be on us like right now!! I hope that lady can find some insurance for him.
I agree Judy about Trish. I asked her yesterday if she was wearing a mask or not when mowing. She never answered me. I guess going to the ER must have meant she didn't. She of all people needs to wear one!! Maybe I should send her some!!! We aren't picking on you Trish we just love you and care about your health.
Hope you had a wonderful and hugs....connie d
Good Morning All,
Yes lurker Fran is writing. LOL
I read your posts daily and pray that each of you get answers to your prayers.
I still go to the gym for water aerobics twice a week and work out in the gym 3 times a week. Struggling with too many calories each day. Working to cut back to where i need to be to bump my weight loss to get the last 45 off. See the NP at WLS next month. Still losing but so slowly. Also had a month long stall... oh well, i am not upset because i look great... especially when i wear the size 2x clothes that fit me to a tee.
Well enough rambling. Trying to get laundry done today. This week will be busy. Taking my roommate to visit her mother and brother's graves and put flags and flowers out. It is a day trip to a beautiful area of Ohio. The week after is crazy busy. Out everyday doing something.
Oh two great things. I am off all me blood pressure meds. Still on a water pill because my ankles swell from all the damage from injuries. Anyway, it's great to be improving. Second thing, walking with friend usibg a cane and able to go further without losing my balance and need someone or something to help me steady myvgate. It is very exciting.
Well, washer stopped so i am off and running. Also need my first cup of coffee... yikes i need
Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed Sunday